Why choose us?
Our mission is simple: "To be an affordance to those wishing to cultivate a New Way of Being, with themselves, others and the world".
We believe each client is unique. We pride ourselves on working with our clients to understand their needs and aspirations without judgement or a pre-conceived agenda. We treat every client individually, carefully taking into account the context that brought us together. We stand right along side our clients on their journey.
All that we do at Levitate Coaching is underpinned by our values of: Authenticity, Compassion and Commitment.
Across our practice we have a collective and individual wealth of experience and expertise working with many individual, corporate and registered charity clients.

Our Services
We offer a wide range of services catering to the individual needs of all our clients with the following core programmes on offer:
Integral Development Coaching
Individual Coaching
We offer Integral Development Coaching packages supporting clients in both their professional and personal lives. The nature of developmental coaching means working with clients over an extended period of time rather than offering "quick fix" sessions, the results of which tend to evaporate after a short time.
Developmental Circles
Group Coaching
We offer clients the opportunity to deepen their development and integrate their learning through participation in a development circle. These occur as part of a regular cycle. Group work creates a unique dynamic for clients to continue to grow and be in community with others.
Residential Group Workshop
We offer a Shadow Work residential experience. The work is highly transformative and is underpinned by the extensive work of Carl Jung. This is run by experienced facilitators over a three day residential and carried out in a group of between 8 - 12 participants.